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The Rules

The Rules


The Ouarzazate Marathoners Association and Eco Trail are organizing the Eco Trail Morocco 2025 edition which will take place in Ouarzazate, the South of Morocco.
Eco Trail Morocco  is an adventurous and super-exciting trail running within the heart of some of the most beautiful natural sites of Ouarzazate, Morocco with individuals’ choices of pace over a distance of around 70 km, in 3 stages and a second event with a distance of around 30 km, in 3 stages (3X10km) which will take place from 15th to April 18th , 2025 in Ouarzazate, the South of Morocco.

Eco Trail Morocco is open to anyone over 18, of any nationality who accepts the rules and conditions of the race.
A medical certificate of “ no contraindication to running in competition” less than 2 months old from the date of the start of the race which is compulsory for the 30 km (3 stages) and the 70 km (3 stages ).
Eco Trail Morocco is open to walkers for the 30km event in 3 stages.
A medical certificate of « no contraindication to the practice of sport » is compulsory.


April 15th , 2025
12 a.m : Reception of participants in Ouarzazate, Morocco
.4 p.m .: Briefing: Distribution of bib numbers, technical, administrative and medical checkup (each competitor must report the documents to the race commissioner and must fulfil the technical and administrative conditions already mentioned by the organizers).
. 8 p.m .: Dinner and evening welcoming party in honor of the participants.
.9 p.m .: End of the day – Night at the hotel

FROM 16th to 18th April 2025
Breakfast, lunch, dinner and needed supplies are taken care of by the organization.
1st Stage
Date: April 16th , 2025
Distance: about 20 km
Departure time: 7 a.m.
2nd Stage
Date: April 17, 2025
Distance: about 24 km
Departure time: 7 a.m.
3rd Stage
Date: April 18, 2025
Distance: about 26 km
Departure time: 7 a.m.
April 19, 2025:

7 a.m .: Breakfast
9 a.m .: End of the event and departure of the participants.

• Group Registration fee with details: 600€ a person before October 15, 2024( the group registration option is recommended for family, friends and other small groups (between 5 to 10 members or more)

• Individual registration Fee: 650€ before October 15, 2024.
The rate of registration does not include: the air transport
The rate of registration includes:

  • Four nights at the hotel (full board, rooms are provided as double or twin)
  • The opening ceremony
  • The podium ceremony
  • The closing ceremony
  • Refreshments (liquids and solids) during the race
  • Transfers during the race
  • Medical assistance during the race
  • Logistics
  • Civil liability insurance for the duration of the event
  • The race bib
  • The medal
  • The t-shirt.

The verifications will take place on April 15th , 2025 starting at 4 p.m.. Each participant must report to the race commissioner the required documents.
Each participant must fulfill the technical and administrative conditions provided by the organizers by presenting the original documents (administrative and medical files).

All the documents should be sent to us via Email one month before the departure and also present them on April 15th , 2025 starting at 4 p.m., including the completed, dated and signed entry form, the photocopy of the valid passport, 1 Photo of identity, individual insurance certificate and repatriation insurance certificate.

The file includes:
A medical certificate of “no contraindication to running in competition” less than 2 months old from the date of the start of the race.
A medical certificate must be presented on the day of checking the documents. If the documents could not be presented on the day of the control, exclusion may be decided without the refunds of the costs already paid.

An eco-cup for the needed supplies, Whistle.

The participants must imperatively follow the sings of the stages.
The course will be indicated by signs every 500 meters approximately, several natural landmarks will serve as additional indications so that the participants stay on the axis of the course.

The checkpoints will be spaced approximately every 5 km. They will be used for refueling and scoring. Passing through each control post is mandatory for each competitor. Otherwise, there will be a penalty if someone doesn’t. Medical assistance will be present at each post and will have the task of helping or treating in case something urgent happens.

The organization is responsible for the supply of liquid in the checkpoints.
Note that each participant must have their own eco-cup in their possession
No cup will be available at the refreshments. (Ecological responsibility).

Individual Ranking: The Ranking of each stage is made by the time records achieved and numbers of penalties received by each one. The general classification is made by adding the time records obtained by the participant and the number of penalties received in each stage.
Team classification: The team must be made up of at least 3 contestants.
For teams, the stage classification is made by adding the team’s three best time records and the number of penalties received. It is the average of these three best time records that will determine the result achieved by the team.
The general classification is made by the cumulation of the results obtained by the team over the 3 stages.
The team finishing with less than 3 contestants cannot be taken into account in the general team classification.

In case of abandonment, the participant will remain present until the end of the Eco Trail Morocco event unless there is something urgent with the approval of the director.
The competitor may not leave the race without necessarily informing the director of the course and must sign an official document provided by Eco Trail Morocco.

A medical team chosen by the organization committee made up of doctors and nurses will be present in the field during all the stages of the race.
The medical staff may disqualify a competitor who seems unable to continue the race for the sake of his/her health.

The organization has taken out civil liability insurance for the duration of the event.
Each competitor should be aware of the risks that the conduct of this competition may cause and therefore exempt the organization from any responsibility in any case of physical or accidental failure during and after the race.
Individual insurance and repatriation are compulsory for all Eco Trail Morocco participants.

The cancellation request must be made through a registered letter to the organization in order to avoid any dispute.
Any request for cancellation of engagement must be done less than three months before the initial departure date of Eco Trail Morocco
No refund can be made, registration fees will be kept for the next edition of Eco Trail Morocco.
Eco Trail Morocco does not have cancellation insurance.
We recommend that you take out personal cancellation insurance.
For any refund request, it is necessary to provide a supporting and justifiable document.
The cancellation fees for the participant are as follows:
– The organization committee will have the right to retain – 50€ (administrative costs) in case of
withdrawal (three months before the initial date of departure).
– When three months before the initial date of departure are passed, registration will be switched
to the next edition of Eco Trail Morocco and no refund request will be accepted.

The organizer reserves the exclusive rights with regard to the photo and video coverage of Eco Trail Morocco.
By participating in Eco Trail Morocco, the competitor accepts that the organizer can use his/her image (promotion, advertising, etc.) worldwide.

Men’s individual ranking
1st Trophy
2nd Trophy
3rd Trophy
Individual ranking woman
1st Trophy
2nd Trophy
3rd Trophy
Team ranking
1st Trophy
2nd Trophy
3rd Trophy

In case of postponement of the date because of constraints related to force majeure, the organization’s impediments to carry out the event such as (natural disaster, epidemics, ban by the prefecture, etc and The list is not exhaustive) , the event will be postponed to a later date. If the competitor is unable to participate in this postponement of the date, he may be authorized to participate in one of the following two editions of Eco Trail Morocco according to his choice. No refund or compensation or indemnity will be made, linked to the above-mentioned situations in this article, dependent or independent on the
will of the organizer.

The organization reserves the right to change the time or day of departure or all or part of the route due to an event or any incident which is beyond control and also for the safety of participants and staff.

Before the start of the race:
In case of force majeure (natural disaster, epidemics, ban by the prefecture, etc.) the list is not exhaustive, forcing the organizer to cancel the event, 50€  will be retained (application fees). To benefit from the refund, you must send an E-mail request to the organization.
In case of cancellation, no compensation and no indemnity could be paid in this respect.
Eco Trail Morocco does not have cancellation insurance.
We recommend that you take out personal cancellation insurance.

During the races:
In case of weather conditions causing risks for the participants, the organizer can stop the race. In this case, the participant will have to follow the instructions given by the organizers and will have the obligation to respect them.
No refund can be claimed.

The average climate conditions during this period are:
Average day: 28 C°
Average night: 14 C°

1. Lack of medical certificate on the day of the control (departure refused).
2. No individual insurance on the day of the control (departure refused).
3. Lack of identity document on the day the control on April 15, 2025 (penalty of 30 minutes).
The competitor must nevertheless prove his identity before the start (with the approval of the Director of the course).
4. Absence of camelbak (penalty of 30 minutes).
5. Missed checkpoints: One hour penalty for the first two infractions, exclusion from the race for the

The participants must state and inform the organization committee about the medical contraindications which could affect their health and consequently exempt the organization from any responsibility (medical staff and technical staff included) of all medical problems, accidents or others which may occur during the week of the course.5